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Professor Henning Bockhorn visited Jiangsu University
发布日期:2015-05-26  浏览:

  During 25-26 of May, Prof. Henning Bockhorn and his assistant Dr. Feichi Zhang, from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, visited our University. Within two days, they have given four informative and interesting seminars in total. The seminars are hosted by the vice dean of Institute of Energy Research (IER), Prof. He Zhixia. Teachers and postgraduate students from IER and SEPE have attended these seminars.
  The three seminars given by Prof. Henning Bockhorn are entitled "Computational Combustion – Useful Tools or Useless Toys", "Combustion in porous media: A fuel flexible and variable combustion technology", "Carbonization of bio masses – a possible way to save carbon dioxide", respectively. The one by Dr. Zhang is named as "Direct numerical simulation of turbulent combustion". The colorful pictures and informative discussions about the combustion research in Karlsruhe Institute of Technology attract many audiences.

  The research fields of Prof. Henning Bockhorn include: Particulates from combustion sources; Combustion noise and combustion instabilities; Diagnostic techniques for combustion processes; Formation of pollutants and toxic by-products during combustion; Ignition and flame propagation, fundamental problems of combustion; Mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of combustion; and so on. In 2012, he was awarded the ProcessNet Gerhard Damköhler Medal for outstanding contributions in the field of combustion, modeling and numerical simulation. He is the chairman of the Collaborative Research Center (SFB 606) “Non-stationary Combustion” (2002-2012), the chairman of the German Section of the Combustion Institute, the editorial board of " Combustion Science and Technology " and "Progress in Energy and Combustion Science" and many other international journals. Up to date, Prof. Bockhorn has published more than 400 journal and conference papers, and 15 books.
  Dr. Feichi Zhang obtained Master degree in 2005 in Technical University of Dresden, Germany, and Doctor degree in KIT in 2013. His research fields include the combustion generated noise. At present he is working in KIT as a post doctor.

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