On November 6, at the academic salon activity of the Institute for Energy Research (IFER), Dr. Tian Yi in our institute made a report and summarized the research work in recent years, the relevant teachers of IFER listened to the report.
At the report meeting, Dr. Tian Yi introduced the development of organic conjugated materials and their research status around the research topic of “Synthesis and Application of functional Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons”. The previous part of the report explained the research in the field of delocalized organic radicals based on PAH, including the structural design, synthetic method and properties measurement. In the latter part of the report, PAH with circularity structure and their application in OLED was introduced. After the presentation, a heated discussion was continued with the present teachers.
Dr. Tian Yi was graduated from Department of Chemistry of Osaka University and obtained doctoral degree. Form May 2015 to February 2019, he continued his research as postdoctoral fellow at Tohoku University and National University of Singapore. He joined our institute from March 2019. In recent years, his research focused on Synthesis and Application of Organic Aromatic Materials. He has published 9 research paper in related fields including J. Am. Chem. Soc., Chem. Asian J. etc. He is now Chairing one youth program of national natural science foundation of China and one program of senior talents project of Jiangsu University.