Genmiao Guo Ph.D
Tel: (+86)15262902116
Email: 664817171@qq.com
Add.: Institute for Energy Research,Jiangsu University
Research Interests:Cavitating Two-phase Flow and Spray Theory in Internal Combustion Engine
Ph.D. 2015.09-2019.12, Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, Jiangsu University, China
B.S. 2009.09-2013.06, Thermal Energy and Power Engineering, Jiangsu University, China
Research Interests
Optical Experiment and Numerical Simulation of Cavitating Two-phase Flow inside Engine Injectors
Spray Theory in Diesel Engines
2017-2019, Transient Characteristics and Scale Effect of Cavitating Flow in Diesel Engine, Research Innovation Program for Postgraduates in Jiangsu Province (NO.: KYCX17_1773)
2016-2019, Instantaneous Cavitation Characteristics in Micro-Size Nozzle Hole Under Super-High Pressure of Diesel Engines, Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (NO.: BK20161349) (Key member)
Selected Papers
[1] Genmiao Guo, Zhixia He, Yuhang Chen, Qian Wang, Xianyin Leng, Shenxin Sun. LES investigations on effects of the residual bubble on single hole diesel injector jet [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 112: 17-28. (IF=4.346)
[2] Genmiao Guo, Zhixia He, Ming-Chia Lai, Xiongbo Duan, Xianyin Leng, Lian Duan, Zhou Chen. Optical experiment and Large Eddy Simulation on effects of in-nozzle stagnant air bubbles and diesel on near-nozzle spray structure variation in diesel injector [J]. Fuel, 2019, 255: 115721. (IF=5.128)
[3] Genmiao Guo, Zhixia He, Yu Jin, Zhou Chen, Xiongbo Duan, Xianyin Leng. Visualization Investigations of Flow Regimes in Different Sizes of Diesel Injector Nozzles and Effects on Spray [J]. Atomization and sprays, 2018, 28 (6): 547-563. (IF=1.262)
[4] Genmiao Guo, Zhixia He, Qian Wang, Zhaochen Jiang, Liang Zhang. Investigation of effect of nozzle geometry on spray with a 3-D Eulerian-Lagrangian spray model coupled with the nozzle cavitating flow [J]. Thermal Science, 2018, 22: 1239-1248. (IF=1.541)
[5] Zhixia He, Genmiao Guo, Xicheng Tao, Wenjun Zhong, Xianyin Leng, Qian Wang. Study of the effect of nozzle hole shape on internal flow and spray characteristics [J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 71: 1–8. (IF=4.127)
[6] Genmiao Guo, Zhixia He, Zhengyang Zhang, Lian Duan, Wei Guan, Xiongbo Duan, Yu Jin. Visual Experimental Investigations of String Cavitation and Residual Bubbles in the Diesel Nozzle and Effects on Initial Spray Structures [J]. Internal Journal of Engine Research, 2018, DOI: 1468087418791061. (IF=2.272)
[7] Genmiao Guo, Zhixia He, Xicheng Tao, Shenxin Sun, Zhen Zhou, Xiongbo Duan. Optical experiments of string cavitation in diesel injector tapered nozzles [J]. Thermal Science, 2019, (00): 5-5. (IF=1.541)
[8] Genmiao Guo, Zhixia He, Qian Wang, Shenxin Sun, Zhou Chen. Effects of the Residual/Sucked Air Bubbles on Diesel Near-Nozzle Spray Structure [J]. SAE Technical Paper, 2017-01-2314.
Patents (Authorized)
Genmiao Guo, ZHixia He, Changhao Ji, Shenxin Sun. An Optical Liquid-Fuel Injector., CN ZL201610372748.3.