Yanjin Sun Assistant research fellow
Email: y.sun5@nuigalway.ie
Address: Room1506, Institute for Energy Research, Jiangsu University
Research Interests
1. Quantum and kinetic calculations for chemical reactions related to the combustion of fuels
2. Combustion mechanism development and kinetic modelling
Ph.D., 2016.09-2021.06 Combustion Chemistry, National University of Ireland, Galway
M.S., 2013.09-2016.07 Physical Chemistry, Sichuan University
B.S., 2007.09-2011.07 Chemical Engineering and Technology, Ocean University of China
Selected Papers
1. Y. Sun, K.P. Somers, Q-D Wang, H.J. Curran, Hindered Rotor Benchmarks for the Transition States of Free Radical Additions to Unsaturated Hydrocarbons, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22, 27241–27254. (SCI, IF=3.57)
2. Y. Sun, C-W. Zhou, K.P. Somers, H.J. Curran, An Ab Initio/Transition State Theory Study of the Reactions of Ċ5H9 Species of Relevance to 1,3-Pentadiene, Part II: Pressure Dependent Rate Constants and Implications for Combustion Modelling, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2020, 124 (23), 4605–4631. (SCI, IF=2.60)
3. Y. Sun, C-W. Zhou, K.P. Somers, H.J. Curran, An ab Initio/transition state theory study of the reactions of Ċ5H9 species of relevance to 1,3-pentadiene. Part I: Potential energy surfaces, thermochemistry and high-pressure Limiting rate constants, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2019, 123(22), 9019–9052. (SCI, IF=2.60)
4. Q-D Wang, Y. Sun, H. J. Curran, Comparative Chemical Kinetic Analysis and Skeletal Mechanism Generation for Syngas Combustion with NOx Chemistry, Energy & Fuels, 2020, 34(1), 949-964. (SCI, IF=3.42)
5. Q-D Wang, Y. Sun, M-M Sun, J. Liang, Chemical Kinetics of Hydrogen Atom Abstraction from Propargyl Sites by Hydrogen and Hydroxy Radicals, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 20(13), 3227. (SCI, IF=4.56)