Dr. Md Shouquat HOSSAIN (Associate Professor)
Tel: (+86) 18385266334
Address: Institute for Energy Research, Jiangsu University
Research Interests: Solar Photovoltaic efficiency; Solar PV thermal system; PCM/TES application in solar PV system; Renewable hydrogen production; Fuel cell application; CO2 reduction.
Ph.D., 2018.07: UM Power Energy Dedicated Advanced Centre (UMPEDAC), University of Malaya, Malaysia.
M.Eng.Sc., 2013.07: Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Malaysia.
B.Sc.Engg., 2009.07: Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
Professional experience
2022.06–present: Associate Professor, Institute for Energy Research; Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, China.
2020.01–2022.05: Post-Doctoral, Peking University, School of Environmental Science and Engineering; Beijing, China.
2019.01–2019.12: Post-Doctoral, University of Malaya, UM Power Energy Dedicated Advanced Centre (UMPEDAC); Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2018.04-2018.12: Research fellow, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Malaysia.
2019.01-2019.12: Toyota Classics concert Grant for the research project in solar PV/T-2018, Development of an Innovative Technology for Solar Photovoltaic Thermal Cooling System, UMPEDAC University of Malaya, Malaysia.
2014.01-2016.12: Postgraduate research fund under the project PG096-2014B, Development on Campus Micro Smart Grid System with Hybrid Renewable Energy Technology funded by Centre of Research Grant Management (PPGP), University of Malaya, Malaysia.
2010.08-2011.12: The project PS116-2010B, Energy performance and economic analysis of solar PV water heater under local climate condition funded by Centre of Research Grant Management (PPGP), University of Malaya, Malaysia.
1. Title of the invention: A system for cleaning a photovoltaic panel
2. Title of the invention: a photovoltaic thermal panel, UM.TNC2/UMCIC/603/1298, 2018, the patent is under University Malaya Centre for Innovation & Commercialization (UMCIC), Nasrudin Abd Rahim, Md. Shouquat Hossain, Jeyraj Selvaraj, and Adarsh Kumar Pandey, University of Malaya, (Malaysian patent).
Published SCI papers
1. Saidur, R.; Hasanuzzaman, M.*; Yogeswaran, S.; Mohammed, H. A.; Hossain, M. S. An end-use energy analysis in a Malaysian public hospital. Energy. 2010, 35, 12, 4780-4785.
2. Saidur, R.*; Abdelaziz, E. A.; Demirbas, A.; Hossain, M. S.; Mekhilef, S. A review on biomass as a fuel for boilers. Renewable Sustain Energy Revs. 2011, 15, 5, 2262-2289.
3. Saidur, R.*; Kazi, S. N.; Hossain, M. S.; Rahman, M. M.; Mohammed, H. A. A review on the performance of nanoparticles suspended with refrigerants and lubricating oils in refrigeration systems. Renewable Sustain Energy Revs. 2011, 15, 1, 310-323.
4. Madlool, N. A.; Saidur, R.*; Hossain, M. S.; Rahim, N.A. A critical review on energy use and savings in the cement industries. Renewable Sustain Energy Revs. 2011, 15, 4, 2042-2060.
5. Ali, M. B.; Saidur, R.*; Hossain, M. S. A review on emission analysis in cement industries. Renewable Sustain Energy Revs. 2011, 15, 5, 2252-2261.
6. Saidur, R.*; Hossain, M. S.; Islam, M. R.; Fayaz, H.; Mohammed, H. A. A review on kiln system modeling. Renewable Sustain Energy Revs. 2011, 15, 5, 2487-2500.
7. Hossain, M. S.*; Saidur, R.; Fayaz, H.; Rahim, N. A.; Islam, M. R.; Ahamed, J. U.; et al. A review on solar water heater collector and thermal energy performance of circulating pipe. Renewable Sustain Energy Revs. 2011, 15, 8, 3801-3812.
8. Madlool, N. A.*; Saidur, R.; Rahim, N. A.; Islam, M. R.; Hossain, M. S. An exergy analysis for cement industries: An overview. Renewable Sustain Energy Revs. 2012, 6, 1, 921-932.
9. Aman, M. M.*; Solangi, K. H.; Hossain, M. S.; Badarudin, A.; Jasmon, G.B.; Mokhlis, H.; Bakar, A.H.A.; Kazi, S. N. A review of Safety, Health and Environmental (SHE) issues of solar energy system. Renewable Sustain Energy Revs. 2015, 41, 1190-1204.
10. Hossain, M. S.*; Pandey, A. K.; Tunio, M. A.; Selvaraj, J.; Al-Fatlawi, A. W. A.; Khan, A. F.; Rahim, N. A. Statistical Modeling for Hydrogen Production Using Wind Energy. Inter. J. of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, 2016, 4, 3, 218-222.
11. Hossain, M. S.; Madlool, N. A*; Rahim, N. A.; Selvaraj, J.; Pandey, A.K.; Khan, A. F. Role of smart grid in renewable energy: An overview. Renewable Sustain Energy Revs. 2016, 60, 1168-1184.
12. Hossain, M. S.; Pandey, A. K.*; Tunio, M. A.; Selvaraj, J.; Rahim, N. A.; Hoque, K. E. Thermal and economic analysis of low-cost modified flat-plate solar water heater with parallel two-side serpentine flow. J. of thermal analysis and calorimetry. 2016, 123, 793-806.
13. Pandey, A. K.*; Hossain, M. S.; Selvaraj, J.; Rahim, N.A. Novel Approaches and Recent Developments on Potential Applications of Phase Change Materials in Solar Energy. Renewable Sustain Energy Revs. 2018, 82, 1, 281-323.
14. Hossain, M. S.*; Pandey, A. K.; Selvaraj, J.; Rahim, N.A.; Islam, M. M.; Tyagi, V.V. Two side serpentine flow based photovoltaic-thermal-phase change materials (PVT-PCM) system: Energy, exergy and economic analysis. Renewable Energy. 2019, 136, 1320-1336.
15. Hossain, M. S.*; Pandey, A. K.; Selvaraj, J.; Rahim, N.A.; Rivai, A.; Tyagi, V.V. Thermal performance analysis of parallel serpentine flow based photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) system under composite climate of Malaysia. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2019, 153, 861-871.
16. Hossain, M. S.*; Rahim, N. A.; Aman, M.M.; Selvaraj, J. Application of ANOVA Method to Study Solar Energy for Hydrogen Production. Inter. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2019, 44, 29, 14571-14579.
17. Hossain, M. S.; Pandey, A.K.*; Rahim, N. A.; Selvaraj, J.; Tyagi, V. V.; Islam, M.M. Self-cleaning assisted photovoltaic system with thermal energy storage: Design and performance evaluation. Solar Energy. 2020, 206, 487-498.
18. Malik, N. H.; Shaikh, F.; Kumar, L.*; Hossain, M. S. Quantification of the Water-Energy-Carbon Nexus of the Coal Fired Powerplant in Water Stressed Area of Pakistan. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects. 2020, 1-23.
19. Ren, M.; Lu, P.; Liu, X.; Hossain, M. S.; Fang, Y.; Hanaoka, T.; O’Gallachoir, B.; Glynn, J.; Dai, H.* Decarbonizing China’s iron and steel industry from the supply and demand sides for carbon neutrality. Applied Energy. 2021, 298, 15, 117209.
20. Hossain, M. S.; Kumar, L.; Nahar, A.* A Comparative Performance Analysis between Serpentine-Flow Solar Water Heater and Photovoltaic Thermal Collector under Malaysian Climate Conditions, Inter. J. of Photo. 2021, 2021, 9.
21. Hossain, M. S.*; Kumar, L.; Assad, M. El Haj.; Alayi, R.* Advancements and Future Prospects of Electric Vehicle Technologies: A Comprehensive Review. J. Complexity. 2022, 2022, 21.