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Post-doctor Researchers
Tamilselvan PACHIANNAN
发布日期:2023-05-08  浏览:

Tamilselvan Pachiannan Postdoctoral Fellow


Institute for Energy Research, Jiangsu University

Email: ptamilselvan26@gmail.com


Ph.D. in School of Energy and Power Engineering, 2017– 2020,

Jiangsu University, China.

M.E. in Energy Engineering, 2013– 2015

Anna University, Chennai, India.

B.E. in Mechanical Engineering, 2009– 2013

Anna University, Chennai, India.

Research Interests:

IC Engines, Low Temperature Combustion, Alternate fuels.

Work Experiences:

Post-Doctoral Fellow (2021 February – 2022 February)

Department of Mechanical Engineering , SSN College of Engineering, Chennai,

Tamil Nadu, India.

Assistant professor (2015 June –2017 February)

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Knowledge Institute of Technology, Tamilnadu.

Journal Publications:

1. Tamilselvan P*, Nallusamy N, Rajkumar S. A comprehensive review on performance, combustion and emission characteristics of biodiesel fuelled diesel engines. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 79 (2017) 1134–1159.

2. Tamilselvan Pachiannan, Wenjun Zhong, Sundararajan Rajkumar, Zhixia He, et al. A literature review of fuel effects on performance and emission characteristics of low-temperature combustion strategies. Applied Energy 251 (2019) 113380.

3. Tamilselvan Pachiannan, Wenjun Zhong, Tiemin Xuan, Zhixia He, et al. Simultaneous study on spray liquid length, ignition and combustion characteristics of diesel and hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel in a constant volume combustion chamber. Renewable Energy 140 (2019) 761-771.

4. Wenjun Zhong, Tamilselvan Pachiannan, Zhixia He, et al. Experimental study of ignition, lift-off length and emission characteristics of diesel/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends. Applied Energy 235 (2019) 641–652.

5. Wenjun Zhong, Tamilselvan Pachiannan, Zilong Li, et al. Combustion and emission characteristics of gasoline/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends in gasoline compression ignition engines under different loads of double injection strategies. Applied Energy 251 (2019) 113296.

6. Qing Liu, Tamilselvan Pachiannan*, Wenjun Zhong, et al. Effects of injection strategies coupled with gasoline-hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends on combustion and emission characteristics in GCI engine under low loads. Fuel 317 (2022) 123490.

7. Wenjun Zhong, P. Tamilselvan, Qian Wang, Zhixia He, et al. Experimental study of spray characteristics of diesel/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blended fuels under inert and reacting conditions. Energy 153 (2018) 349-358.

8. Wenjun Zhong, Tamilselvan Pachiannan, Qing Liu, et al. Experimental study the effect of injection strategies on combustion and emission characteristics in gasoline compression ignition engines using gasoline/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends. Fuel 278 (2020) 118156.

9. P. Tamilselvan* & N. Nallusamy (2017) Reduced emissions using blends of diesel fuel and Chicha oil biodiesel, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 39:10, 1050-1055, DOI: 10.1080/15567036.2017.1289281.

10. Tamilselvan P*, Vignesh K & Nallusamy N. (2017) Experimental Investigation of Performance, Combustion and Emission Characteristics of CI Engine fuelled with Chicha oil Biodiesel International Journal of Ambient Energy. DOI: 10.1080/01430750.2016.1206036.

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