Title: Experimental and numerical study of primary atomization
Time: 2023-03-07 10:00 - 12:00
Venue: Institute for Energy Research, 1517
Organizer: Institute for Energy Research
Abstract: Primary atomization refers to the process by which a liquid is broken up into small droplets or ligaments. It is an important phenomenon in various applications such as fuel injection, spray coating, and combustion systems. Primary atomization can be achieved through a variety of mechanisms including surface waves, turbulence, and shear forces. The resulting droplets or ligaments can have a significant impact on the overall performance of the system, including combustion efficiency, mixing quality, and spray characteristics. Understanding the physics of primary atomization is therefore crucial for optimizing the design and performance of these systems.
Despite many significant contributions made in the field of multiphase flows along the last decades, no explicit answer has been given on how to interpret the turbulent flow generated in such complex flows. For this reason, this study aims at providing an answer to this question by means of a novel methodology that may be applied to the general problem of turbulent multiphase flows. In this specific frame, the use of Direct Numerical Simulation of a turbulent round spray emerging from a plain-orifice atomizer and a prefilm air blast atomizer will be studied in detail.