Huaneng SU Ph.D
Tel: +86-18361812603
Email: suhuaneng@foxmail.com
Add. : Institute for Energy Research (IER), Jiangsu University
Resarch Interests:New energy technology, Fuel cell, SPE water electrolysis
Ph.D., 2010 Power Applied Chemistry, South China University of Technology China
M.Sc., 2005 Inorganic chemistry,Lanzhou University, China
B.S., 2002 Chemical Engineering and Technology, Lanzhou University, China
Professional experience
2016- Present: Researcher, Jiangsu University, China
2013-2015: Head of R&D Group, HySA Systems Competence Center, SAIAMC, University of Western Cape, South Africa
2011-2013: Post-doctoral Research Fellow (PDRF), University of Western Cape, South Africa
2005-2007: Faculty Member, Qiongzhou University, China
Research Interests
•New energy technologies in Hydrogen and PEMFC
•Low temperature and high temperature PEMFC: Electrodes, MEA, Materials, Structure and System Design and the application thereof
•SPE water electrolysis for hydrogen production
Courses Taught
Undergraduate Courses: Physical chemistry; Physical chemistry experiment; Environment chemistry, Chemical reaction engineering, Qiongzhou University (2005-2007)
Honours Course: CHP System operation and performance evaluation (Experimental), HySA Systems Competence Center (2014)
2011-2012, MEAs for SPE water electrolysis, South Africa National Research Foundation (76466)
2013-2015, Study on the self-humidifying MEA for LT-PEMFC, Educational Department of Guangdong Province (x2hg-K3130020)
2011-2014, SPE water electrolyzer for hydrogen production,South African department of Science and Technology(T70600)
2011-2020, Fuel Cell Technologies RDI Programme (HySA): MEA and CHP System,South African department of Science and Technology (KP1-S01)
2012-2014, Electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction in PEMWE, South Africa National Research Foundation (RSA-UK Joint Research Project)
Selected Papers
[1] Huagen Liang, Huaneng Su*, Bruno G. Pollet, Sivakumar Pasupathi. Development of membrane electrode assembly for high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell by catalyst coating membrane method. Journal of Power Sources 2015;288:121-127. (SCI, IF: 6.217)
[2] Olivia Barron, Huaneng Su*, Vladimir Linkov, Bruno G. Pollet, Sivakumar Pasupathi. Enhanced performance and stability of high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell by incorporating zirconium hydrogen phosphate in catalyst layer. Journal of Power Sources 2015;278:718-724. (SCI, IF: 6.217)
[3] Olivia Barron, Huaneng Su*, Vladimir Linkov, BrunoG Pollet, Sivakumar Pasupathi. CsHSO4 as proton conductor for high-temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 2014;44(9):1037-1045. (SCI, IF: 2.409)
[4] Odne S. Burheim, Huaneng Su*, Hans Henrik Hauge, Sivakumar Pasupathi, Bruno G. Pollet. Study of thermal conductivity of PEM fuel cell catalyst layers. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2014;39(17):9397-9408. (SCI, IF: 3.313)
[5] Huagen Liang, Huaneng Su*, Bruno G. Pollet, Vladimir Linkov, Sivakumar Pasupathi. Membrane electrode assembly with enhanced platinum utilization for high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell prepared by catalyst coating membrane method. Journal of Power Sources 2014;266:107-113. (SCI, IF: 6.217)
[6] Huaneng Su*, Cordellia Sita, Sivakumar Pasupathi. The Effect of Gas Diffusion Layer PTFE Content on The Performance of High Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell. International Journal of Electrochemical Science 2016;11(4):2919-2926. (SCI,IF:1.5)
[7] Huaneng Su, Ting-Chu Jao*, Olivia Barron, Bruno G. Pollet, Sivakumar Pasupathi. Low platinum loading for high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell developed by ultrasonic spray coating technique. Journal of Power Sources 2014;267:155-159. (SCI, IF: 6.217)
[8] Huaneng Su*, Cecil Felix, Olivia Barron, Piotr Bujlo, BernardJ Bladergroen, BrunoG Pollet, Sivakumar Pasupathi. High-Performance and Durable Membrane Electrode Assemblies for High-Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells. Electrocatalysis 2014;5(4):361-371. (SCI, IF: 2.367)
[9] Huaneng Su, Huagen Liang*, Bernard J. Bladergroen, Vladimir Linkov, Bruno G. Pollet, Sivakumar Pasupathi*. Effect of Platinum Distribution in Dual Catalyst Layer Structured Gas Diffusion Electrode on the Performance of High Temperature PEMFC. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2014;161(4):F506-F512. (SCI, IF:3.266)
[10] Huaneng Su, Ting-Chu Jao*, Sivakumar Pasupathi, Bernard Jan Bladergroen, Vladimir Linkov, Bruno G. Pollet. A novel dual catalyst layer structured gas diffusion electrode for enhanced performance of high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Journal of Power Sources 2014;246:63-67. (SCI, IF: 6.217)
[11] Huaneng Su*, Sivakumar Pasupathi, Bernard Jan Bladergroen, Vladimir Linkov, Bruno G. Pollet. Enhanced performance of polybenzimidazole-based high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell with gas diffusion electrodes prepared by automatic catalyst spraying under irradiation technique. Journal of Power Sources 2013;242:510-519. (SCI, IF: 6.217)
[12] Huaneng Su*, Sivakumar Pasupathi, Bernard Bladergroen, Vladimir Linkov, Bruno G. Pollet. Optimization of gas diffusion electrode for polybenzimidazole-based high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell: Evaluation of polymer binders in catalyst layer. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2013;38(26):11370-11378. (SCI, IF: 3.313)
[13] Huaneng Su*, Sivakumar Pasupathi, Bernard Bladergroen, Vladimir Linkov, Bruno G. Pollet. Performance Investigation of Membrane Electrode Assemblies for High Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering 2013;1(5):95-100.
[14] Huaneng Su*, Vladimir Linkov, Bernard Jan Bladergroen. Membrane electrode assemblies with low noble metal loadings for hydrogen production from solid polymer electrolyte water electrolysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2013;38(23):9601-9608. (SCI, IF: 3.313)
[15] Huaneng Su, Bernard Jan Bladergroen, Sivakumar Pasupathi, Vladimir Linkov, Shan Ji*. Performance Investigation of Membrane Electrode Assemblies for Hydrogen Production by Solid Polymer Electrolyte Water Electrolysis. International Journal of Electrochemical Science 2012;7(5):4223-4234. (SCI,IF:1.5)
[16] Huaneng Su, Bernard Jan Bladergroen, Vladimir Linkov, Sivakumar Pasupathi, Shan Ji*. Study of catalyst sprayed membrane under irradiation method to prepare high performance membrane electrode assemblies for solid polymer electrolyte water electrolysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2011;36(23):15081-15088. (SCI, IF: 3.313)
[17] Hua-Neng Su, Li-Jun Yang, Shi-Jun Liao*, Qiao Zeng. Membrane electrode assembly with Pt/SiO2/C anode catalyst for proton exchange membrane fuel cell operation under low humidity conditions. Electrochimica Acta 2010;55(28):8894-8900. (SCI, IF:4.504)
[18] Huaneng Su, Qiao Zeng, Shijun Liao*, Yanni Wu. High performance membrane electrode assembly with ultra-low platinum loading prepared by a novel multi catalyst layer technique. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2010;35(19):10430-10436. (SCI, IF: 3.313)
[19] Huaneng Su, Leimin Xu, Huaping Zhu, Yanni Wu, Lijun Yang, Shijun Liao*, Huiyu Song, Zhenxing Liang, Viola Birss. Self-humidification of a PEM fuel cell using a novel Pt/SiO2/C anode catalyst. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2010;35(15):7874-7880. (SCI, IF: 3.313)
[20] Huaneng Su, Shijun Liao*, Yanni Wu. Significant improvement in cathode performance for proton exchange membrane fuel cell by a novel double catalyst layer design. Journal of Power Sources 2010;195(11):3477-3480. (SCI, IF: 6.217)
[21] Huaneng Su, Shijun Liao*, Ting Shu, Haili Gao. Performance of an ultra-low platinum loading membrane electrode assembly prepared by a novel catalyst-sprayed membrane technique. Journal of Power Sources 2010;195(3):756-761. (SCI, IF: 6.217)
[22] H. N. Su, S. J. Liao*, L. M. Xu. Design, Fabrication and Preliminary Study of a Mini Power Source with a Planar Six-cell PEM Unitised Regenerative Fuel Cell Stack. Fuel Cells 2009;9(5):522-527. (SCI, IF: 2.08)
2011, NRF Innovation Postdoctoral Fellowship (South Africa)
2011, Guangdong Province Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation (Guangdong, China)
2012, The Second Prize for Advancement in Science & Technology, Awarded by City Bureau of Zhaoqin, Rank 4th
2010,“Highlight”Paper by Frost & Sullivan, USA