报告题目:氨-氢/氨-甲烷火焰的化学发光特性 Chemiluminescent Signature of Ammonia-hydrogen and Ammonia-methane Flames
报告人: 朱旭仁 副研究员 佛山仙湖实验室
报告人简介:朱旭仁,佛山仙湖实验室(国家能源氢能与氨氢融合新技术重点实验室)副研究员,氨氢融合新能源技术与装备研究室主任。于2018年获得香港理工大学机械工程学系哲学博士学位,2019-2023年沙特国王科技大学(KAUST)清洁燃烧中心博士后,2023年至今就职于佛山仙湖实验室,任副研究员。朱博士的研究领域包括氨氢零碳燃烧、高压燃烧,脉冲共振燃烧、燃气轮机燃烧、燃烧的光学诊断等。目前为国际燃烧学会、国际燃烧学会沙特分会、美国宇航协会会员,全国燃烧节能净化标准化技术委员会观察会员。在Combustion and Flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute等燃烧领域国际顶级期刊发表论文十余篇。
报告摘要:Chemiluminescence, the spontaneous emission occurring in combustion processes, is closely linked to important combustion parameters such as equivalence ratio and fuel fraction. This association makes it a valuable tool for the non-intrusive measurement of flames in both laboratory and industrial combustion systems due to its straightforward setup. The increasing interest in using ammonia as a fuel for carbon reduction has underscored the need for a deeper understanding of the chemiluminescence characteristics of ammonia flames. Measurements of chemiluminescence spectra were conducted in laminar and turbulent flames fueled by ammonia-methane and ammonia-hydrogen mixtures. Chemiluminescence intensity ratios, such as OH*/NO* and CN*/OH*, were found to accurately sense the combustion parameters. The high-fidelity data obtained served a dual purpose: first, to evaluate the feasibility of employing chemiluminescence-based sensors for ammonia flames, and second, to validate chemical reaction models.