冷先银 博士 副教授,硕士生导师
学术信息网页: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xianyin-Leng
2015年7月 – 至今,江苏大学能源研究院,副教授。
2015年3月 – 2017年3月,日本广岛大学, 大学院工学研究院, 研究员。
2015年1月 – 2015年3月,江苏大学能源研究院,讲师。
2012年8月 – 2014年12月,江苏大学汽车与交通工程学院,讲师。
2010年7月 – 2012年7月,大连理工大学化工学院,博士后。
1. 2024-2025,大缸径甲醇发动机优化设计,横向项目,主持。
2. 2023-2024,氨燃料喷嘴流动特性实验装置设计,横向项目,主持。
3. 2022-2023,XX发动机仿真建模及咨询服务,横向项目,主持。
4. 2019-2023,多种有机质协同发酵制沼气及高效发电关键技术及装备研发,江苏省重点研发项目(产业前瞻与关键核心技术),第2参与。
5. 2018-2021,柴油机高压喷射喷嘴内空化热力瞬态特性与空蚀机理,国家自然科学基金面上项目(51776088),第2参与。
6. 2017-2018,高扰动喷嘴低背压喷射雾化特性研究,横向项目,主持。
7. 2015-2017,柴油机喷雾气液相质量分布的定量测试研究,日本政府战略创新研究计划,第2参与。
8. 2013-2016,柴油机交叉孔喷油嘴内部流动及喷雾机理的研究,江苏省自然科学基金(BK20130514),主持。
1. Leng Xianyin, Xing Mochen, Luo Zhengwei, et al. An investigation on methanol high pressure spray characteristics and their predictive models[J]. Energy, 2024, 313: 133732. (SCI, IF: 9.0)
2. Leng Xianyin, Xing Mochen, Deng Yicheng, et al. A numerical study on the in-nozzle flow and near-field spray dynamics of spirally grooved hole nozzles: Effects of injection pressure and length/diameter ratio[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36(11). (SCI, IF: 4.6)
3. Leng Xianyin*, Deng Yicheng, Guan Wei, et al. A numerical study on the in-nozzle cavitating flow and near-field jet breakup of a spirally grooved hole nozzle using a LES-VOF method, Fuel, 2022, 326, 125016. (SCI, IF: 8.0)
4. Leng Xianyin*, Huang Haiqi , He Zhixia , et al. A numerical study on the effects of bowl and nozzle geometry on performances of an engine fueled with diesel or bio-diesel fuels[J]. Green Processing and Synthesis, 2022; 11: 709–723. (SCI, IF: 4.0)
5. Leng Xianyin*, Deng Yicheng, He Dongze, et al. A preliminary numerical study on the use of methanol as a Mono-Fuel for a large bore marine engine, Fuel, 2022, 310: 122309. (SCI, IF: 8.0)
6. Deng Yicheng, Leng Xianyin*, Guan Wei, et al. A numerical study on the in-nozzle cavitating flow and near-field atomization of cylindrical, V-type, and Y-type intersecting hole nozzles using the LES-VOF method[J]. Green Processing and Synthesis, 2022, 11(1): 129-142. (SCI, IF: 4.0)
7. Leng Xianyin*, Huang Haiqi, Ge Qiqi, et al. Effects of hydrogen enrichment on the combustion and emission characteristics of a turbulent jet ignited medium speed natural gas engine: A numerical study[J]. Fuel, 2021, 290: 119966. (SCI, IF: 8.0)
8. Leng Xianyin*, Jin Yu, He Zhixia, et al. Effects of V-type intersecting hole on the internal and near field flow dynamics of pressure atomizer nozzles [J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2018, 130: 183-191. (SCI, IF: 4.8)
9. Leng Xianyin, Wang Mei, He Zhixia*, et al. Impact of the Pre-Chamber Nozzle Orifice Configurations on Combustion and Performance of a Natural Gas Engine [J]. Thermal Science, 2018, 22(3).(SCI, IF: 2.0)
8. Leng Xianyin*, Jin Yu, He Zhixia, et al. Numerical study of the internal flow and initial mixing of diesel injector nozzles with V-type intersecting holes[J]. Fuel, 2017, 197: 31-41. (SCI, IF: 8.0)
10. Leng Xianyin, Feng Liyan, Tian Jiangping, et al. A study of the mixture formation process for a third-generation conical spray applied in HCCI diesel combustion[J]. Fuel, 2010, 89(2): 392-398. (SCI, IF: 8.0)