冯择昊 博士 助理研究员 硕士生导师
地址:江苏大学 能源研究院
个人履历:1993年6月生,籍贯山东聊城,2020年毕业于西安交通大学动力工程及工程热物理专业,获工学博士学位。2019年以国家联合培养博士身份前往日本广岛大学学习一年。主要从事发动机燃油雾化特性及液滴破碎机理研究。目前已在包括International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Fuel、Atomization and sprays、Energy等期刊发表SCI学术论文7篇。
[1] Feng Zehao, Zhan Cheng, Tang Chenglong, Yang Ke, Huang zuohua. Experimental investigation on spray and atomization characteristics of diesel/gasoline/ethanol blends in high pressure common rail injection system[J]. Energy, 2016, 112:549-561.
[2] Feng Zehao, Tang Chenglong, Yin Yue, Zhang Peng, Huang Zuohua. Time-resolved droplet size and velocity distributions in a dilute region of a high-pressure pulsed diesel spray[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 133:745-755.
[3] Tang Chenglong, Feng Zehao, Zhan Chen, Ma Wenan, Huang Zuohua. Experimental study on the effect of injector nozzle K factor on the spray characteristics in a constant volume chamber: Near nozzle spray initiation, the macroscopic and the droplet statistics[J]. Fuel, 2017, 202: 583-594.
[4] Feng Zehao, Tong Shangqing, Tang Chenglong, Zhan Cheng, Keiya Nishida, Huang Zuohua. Decoupling the effect of surface tension and viscosity on spray characteristics under different ambient pressures: the near nozzle behavior and the macroscopic characteristics[J]. Atomization and Sprays, 2019, 29(7): 629-654.
[5] Zhan Cheng, Feng Zehao, Zhang Mingzhi, Tang Chenglong, Huang Zuohua. Experimental investigation on effect of ethanol and di-ethyl ether addition on the spray characteristics of diesel/biodiesel blends under high injection pressure[J]. Fuel, 2018, 218: 1-11.
[6] Tang Chenglong, Guan Li, Feng Zehao, Zhan Cheng, Yang Ke, Huang Zuohua. Effect of di-n-butyl ether blending with soybean-biodiesel on the near-nozzle spray characteristics[J]. Fuel, 2017, 191: 300-311.
[7] Zhan Cheng, Luo Hongliang, Chang Feixiang, Keiya Nishida, Youichi Ogata, Tang Chenglong, Feng Zehao, Huang Zuohua. Experimental study on the droplet characteristics in the spray tip region: Comparison between the free and impinging spray[J]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2021, 121: 110288.
[8] Feng Zehao, Zhang Mingzhi, Yang Jiapei, Tang Chenglong, Huang Zuohua. Time-resolved investigation of droplet size and velocity inside diesel fuel sprays[C]. 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2017.
冯择昊, 汤成龙, 黄佐华. 一种柴油二甲醚混合燃料超高压加压系统, 中国, ZL 2018 2 0776425.5.