卢梦月 博士 硕士生导师
地址:江苏大学 能源研究院
1992年10月生,河北石家庄人。2022年毕业于西安交通大学动力工程及工程热物理专业,获得博士学位。主要从事液流电池等储能系统内部的物质电荷传输研究,具有丰富的全钒液流电池仿真模拟经验。曾以第二完成人参与陕西省青年科技新星项目和国家自然科学基金面上项目。在 Journal of power source, ELECTROCHIM ACTA和Journal of energy storage等期刊发表sci检索论文8篇。
1. Jiao YH,Lu MY,Yang WW,Tang XY,Ye M,Xu Q. A 3D macro-segment network model for vanadium redox flow battery with serpentine flow field[J]. Electrochimica Acta., 2022,403:139657
2. Lu MY,Yang WW,Tang XY,Jiao YH,Ye M,Xu Q. Asymmetric structure design of a vanadium redox flow battery for improved battery performance[J]. Journal of Energy Storage., 2021, 44(A):103337
3. Lu MY,Jiao YH,Tang XY,Yang WW,Ye M,Xu, Q. Blocked serpentine flow field with enhanced species transport and improved flow distribution for vanadium redox flow battery[J]. Journal of Energy Storage., 2021, 35:102284
4. Lu MY,Deng YM,Yang WW,Ye M,Jiao YH,Xu Q. A novel rotary serpentine flow field with improved electrolyte penetration and species distribution for vanadium redox flow battery[J]. Electrochimica Acta., 2020, 361:137089
5. Lu MY,Yang WW,Deng YM,Xu Q. An optimal electrolyte addition strategy for improving performance of a vanadium redox flow battery[J]. International Journal of Energy Research., 2019, 44(1): 1-13
6. Lu MY,Yang WW,Bai XS,Deng YM,He YL. Performance improvement of a vanadium redox flow battery with asymmetric electrode designs[J]. Electrochimica Acta., 2019, 319:210-226
7. Lu MY,Yang WW,Deng YM,Li WZ,Xu Q,He YL. Mitigating capacity decay and improving charge-discharge performance of a vanadium redox flow battery with asymmetric operating conditions[J]. Electrochimica Acta., 2019, 309:283-299
8. Yang WW, Lu MY, He YL. Performance study of an alkaline direct ethanol fuel cell with a reduced two-dimensional mass transport model[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy., 2016, 41(45):20693-20708.