Subhajit Roy
Contact information – Email: Subhajit.roy2491@gmail.com
Phone: 18261967035
Research interests – Turbulent combustion of ammonia-hydrogen flames, Turbulence modelling for shock dominated flows, Real gas effects in combustion
Education – Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering, 2021, Indian institute of technology Bombay, India
B.E. in Aeronautical Engineering, 2013, St. Peter’s University, Chennai, India
Work Experience – Postdoctoral research associate, 2021-2022, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University, USA
Research Publication –
1. Roy, S., Pathak, U. and Sinha, K., “Variable Turbulent Prandtl Number Model for Shock/Boundary Layer Interaction,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 56, No. 1, 2018, pp. 342-355.
2. Pathak, U., Roy, S., and Sinha, K., “A phenomenological model for turbulent heat flux in high speed flows with shock-induced flow separation,” Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 140, No. 5, 2018, pp. 1-9.
3. Roy, S. and Sinha, K., “ Turbulent Heat Flux Model for Hypersonic Shock-Boundary Layer Interaction,” AIAA Journal. Vol. 57, No. 8, 2019, pp. 3624-3629.
4. Lacombe, F., Roy, S., Sinha, K., Karl, S., and Hickey, J.P., “ Characteristic Scales in Shock/Turbulence Interaction,” AIAA Journal. Vol. 59, No. 2, 2021, pp. 3624-3629.
5. Roy, S. and Sinha, K., “ Analysis of Turbulent Heat Flux using Direct Numerical
Simulation Data across a Shock Wave,” Accepted for publication Shock Wave J.
6. Roy, S. and Sinha, K., “ Turbulent Heat Flux Model for Shock-Boundary Layer Interaction with Non-Adiabatic Wall,” Accepted for publication AIAA Journal.
7. Roy, S., and Sinha, K., “Variable turbulent Prandtl number model applied to hypersonic shock/boundary-layer interactions,” 48thAIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, p. 3728, 2018.
8. Roy, S., Saikia, B., and Sinha, K., “Heat transfer prediction in shock-turbulent boundary layer interaction at flight enthalpy,” AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, p. 0339, 2019.
9. Roy, S., Sinha, K., Lacombe, F., and Hickey, J.P., “ Anisotropic Turbulent Heat Flux Modelling through Shock Waves,” 49th AIAA Fluid Dynamics conference, 2019.
10. Vemula, V. B., Raje, P., Singh, R., Roy, S., and Sinha, K., “Parametric study of the performance of two-dimensional scramjet intake,” 18th Annual CFD Symposium, 2016.