KUMAR DIVYA Postdoctoral Fellow
Address: Room No. 315, Institute for Energy Research, Jiangsu University
Email: kumardivya@outlook.com
Ph.D. in Chemistry 2017-2022 Alagappa Government Arts college (Alagappa Univesrity), Tamilnadu, India
M.Sc in Chemistry, 2015-2017, Alagappa Univesrity, Tamilnadu, India
B.Sc in Chemistry 2012-2015 Alagappa Government Arts college(Alagappa Univesrity), Tamilnadu, India
Research interests:
Proton Exchange Membrane
Fuel cell
Vanadium Redox Flow Battery
Nanocomposite materials
Work Experiences:
Project Assistant, DST-SERB EMR. Alagappa Government Arts college (Alagappa Univesrity), Tamilnadu, India. 2017.09-2021.12
Journal Publications:
1) K. Divya, D. Rana M. Sri Abirami Saraswathi, A.Subbiah, A.Nagendran, (2018) Sulfonated poly (ether sulfone)/poly(vinyl alcohol) blend membranes customized with tungsten disulfide nanosheets for DMFC applications. Polymer 155 42–49.
2) K. Divya, M. Sri Abirami Saraswathi, D. Rana, A.Nagendran, (2018)Custom-made sulfonated poly (ether sulfone) nanocomposite proton exchange membranes using exfoliated molybdenum disulfide nanosheets for DMFC applications. Polymer ,147,48-55.
3) K. Divya, D. Rana, A. Subbiah, M. Sri Abirami Saraswathi, A.Nagendran, (2019) Investigating the usefulness of chitosan based proton exchange membranes tailored with exfoliated molybdenum disulfide nanosheets forclean energy applications. Carbohydrate polymers,208,505-512
4) K. Divya, D.Rana, M.Sri Abirami Saraswathi, A. Nagendran, (2019) Sulfonated poly (ether sulfone) composite membranes customized with polydopamine coated molybdenum disulfide nanosheets for renewable energy devices. Polymer ,175,255-264.
5) K. Divya, D. Rana, M. Sri Abirami Saraswathi, SK.Bhat, A.Shukla, A.Nagendran, (2020) Investigation of the versatility of SPES membranes customized with sulfonated molybdenum disulfide nanosheets for DMFC applications, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,45,1557-15520.
6) K. Divya, D. Rana, M. Sri Abirami Saraswathi, P. Gokila, A. Nagendran, (2020), Sulfonatedpoly(vinylidenefluoride‐co‐hexafluoropropylene)nanocomposite membranes with high selectivity, stability, and vanadium‐ion barrier for vanadium redox flow batteries, Polymer for Advanced Technologies,12, 3341-3350.
7) K. Divya, D. Rana, M. Sri Abirami Saraswathi, A.Nagendran, (2020) Custom made sulfonated poly (vinylidene fluoride-cohexafluoropropylene) nanocomposite membranes for vanadium redox flowbattery applications, Polymer Testing, 90,106685.
8) K. Divya, D. Rana, L.Rameesha M.Sri Abirami Saraswathi, A. Nagendran, (2021) Highly selective custom-made chitosan based membranes with reduced fuel permeability for direct methanol fuel cells. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 138 ,51366.
9) K. Divya, D. Rana, A. Subbiah, M. Sri Abirami Saraswathi, A. Nagendran, (2022) Sulfonated Chitosan and HKUST‐ 1 metal organic frameworks based hybrid membranes for direct methanolfuel cell applications, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 139, e52829.
10) K. Divya, D. Rana, A. Subbiah, M. Sri AbiramiSaras wathi, A. Nagendran, (2022) Versatility of sulfonated poly (vinylidenefluoridecohexafluoropropylene) membranes incorporated with sulfonated octaphenyl polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane for vanadium redox flow battery applications" Journal of Applied Polymer Science,13928 52610.
1) K. Divya, D. Rana, M. Sri Abirami Saraswathi, A. Nagendran, (2020) “Non-NafionBased cation exchangemembranes for direct methanol fuel cells” in Direct methanol fuel cell technology.pp.37-70.
2) M. Sri Abirami, K. Divya, D. Rana, Saraswathi, A. Nagendran, (2022) Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) based membranes for water treatment applications in Nano-Enabled Technologies for Water Remediationpp. 335-354.