
何志霞 教授 博士生导师
地址:江苏大学 能源研究院1509室
个人履历:1976年10月生,能源研究院院长,教授,博士生导师。2004年江苏大学动力机械专业博士毕业,2007-2008年在德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学做博士后研究,2012年及2016-2017年分别在美国伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校和美国阿贡国家实验室做访问交流。曾任职江苏大学能源与动力工程学院新能源系系主任、能源研究院副院长、院党委书记。先后入选江苏省“333工程”(第二层次)培育人选、江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人和江苏省“六大人才高峰”人选。兼任ILASS-Asia亚洲液体雾化与喷雾学会委员、中国工程热物理学会燃烧专委会委员、中国内燃机学会燃烧节能分会副主任委员、江苏省可再生能源学会副理事长、Int. J. Engine Res.国际发动机期刊编委等职务。主持国家重点研发专项课题、工信部重点专项课题、国家基金等国家、省部级项目20余项,获中国机械工业科学技术发明特等奖1项、江苏省科技进步二等奖3项、教育部科技进步二等奖1项及其他行业奖5项。发表一作/通讯SCI检索论文100余篇,被引5000余次,H指数为42,出版专著4部,授权国际PCT、国家发明专利50余项。
• 高压燃油喷射与喷雾燃烧理论及技术
• 能源利用中的热流体理论与技术
• 生物柴油、甲醇、氢、氨等低碳零碳燃料发动机技术
• 燃料电池多尺度传热传质理论与技术
4.“可再生能源与氢能技术”国家重点研发专项,生物质连续化制备高品质生物柴油关键技术(高品质生物柴油燃烧性能评价指标体系构建), 2020-2022
1.玄铁民、何志霞、王谦 编著.柴油机喷雾燃烧光学诊断技术及应用,机械工业出版社,2021.10,ISBN 9787111681236
2.何志霞、王谦、袁建平 编著. 热流体数值计算方法与应用,机械工业出版社,2014.1,ISBN978-7111448655
3.何志霞、王谦、袁建平 编著.数值热物理过程,江苏大学出版社2009.8 ISBN:9787811300734
4.Bihe Hu, Zhixia He*, Chen Li, Yicheng Deng, Wei Guan, Liang Zhang, Genmiao Guo. Study of the effect of cavitation ffow patterns in diesel injector nozzles on near-ffeld spray atomization characteristics using a LES-VOF method, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 174(2024)104791
5.Tiemin Xuan, Haojie Li, Yutao Wang, Yachao Chang, Ming Jia, Zhixia He*, Qian Wang, Jiawei Cao, Raul Payri. A conceptual model of polyoxymethylene dimethyl ether 3 (PODE3) spray combustion under compression ignition engine-like conditions, Combustion and Flame, 261(2024) 113296
6.Yizi Zhu, Zhixia He*, Tiemin Xuan, Zhuang Shao. An enhanced automated machine learning model for optimizingcycle-to-cycle variation in hydrogen-enriched methanol engines, Applied Energy, 362 (2024) 123019
7.Wei Zhang, Zhaochen Jiang* , Yao Lu, Zhixia He*, Zhuang Shao, Jiao Yu. Optimization of porous layer structure of high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell based on deep learning and Monte Carlo method, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 50(2024) 1004-1019
8.Wei Guan, Abouelmagd Abdelsamie, Cheng Chi, Zhixia He*, Dominique Thévenin. A dedicated reduced kinetic model for ammonia/dimethyl-ether turbulent premixed flames,Combustion and Flame, 257 (2023) 113002
9.Zhixia He*, Wei Guan, Chuqiao Wang, Genmiao Guo, Liang Zhang, Manolis Gavaises. Assessment of turbulence and cavitation models in prediction of vortex induced cavitating flow in fuel injector nozzles, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 157 (2022) 104251
10.M. Krishnamoorthi, R. Malayalamurthi, Zhixia He∗, Sabariswaran Kandasamya. A review on low temperature combustion engines: Performance, combustion and emission characteristics, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 116 (2019) 109404
11.Chen Li, Zhixia He*, Wei Guan, Genmiao Guo, Tianyang Bai, Bihe Hu, Investigations of string cavitation and air back suction during injection duration in the scaled-up diesel fuel injection nozzle, Fuel 339 (2023) 126760
12.Genmiao Guo, Tianyang Bai, Zhixia He* , Wei Guan, Kang Yang, Chen Li, Shuohan Xu, Kang Lu. Assessment of inffuences of needle lift and hole height on string cavitation in liquid injection, Fuel 347 (2023) 128386
13.Chen Li, Zhixia He*, Wei Guan, Ting Han, Genmiao Guo. Numerical study on the effects of viscous heating and random rough surface on cavitating ffow in fuel injection nozzles, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 148 (2023) 107009
14.Yizi Zhu, Zhixia He∗, Yanzhi Zhang, Tiemin Xuan, Qian Wang, Zhuang Shao, Weimin Li. Multi-objective optimization of a compression ignition engine using on-board methanol reforming, Fuel 357 (2024) 129730
15.Zhixia He∗, Bin Wang, Bo Zhang, Huan Feng, Haitao Chen. Synergistic effect of hydrothermal Co-liquefaction of Spirulina platensis and Lignin: Optimization of operating parameters by response surface methodology, Energy,2020(201): 1175501
16.Wenjun Zhong, Tamilselvan Pachiannana, Zhixia He*, Tiemin Xuan, Qian Wang. Experimental study of ignition, lift-off length and emission characteristics of diesel/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends, Applied Energy,2019,235:641-652
17.Tiemin Xuan, José V. Pastor, José M. García-Oliver, Antonio García, Zhixia He*,Qian Wang, Miriam Reyes. In-flame soot quantification of diesel sprays under sooting/non-sooting critical conditions in an optical engine, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 149: 1–1013.
18.Yanzhi Zhang, Liangliang Zhan, Zhixia He*, Ming Jia, Xingcai Lu.An investigation on gasoline compression ignition (GCI) combustion in a heavy-duty diesel engine using gasoline/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019,160,113952
19.Weiwei Shang, Zhixia He*, Qian Wang, Jiawei Cao, Bei Li, Xianyin Leng, Tamilselvan P,Da Li. Experimental and analytical study on capture spray liquid penetration and combustion characteristics simultaneously with Hydrogenated Catalytic Biodiesel/Diesel blended fuel. Applied Energy, 2018,226:947-956
20.Bo Zhang, Zhixia He*, Haitao Chen, Sabariswaran Kandasamya, Zhixiang Xu, Xun Hu, Hongyu Guo. Effect of acidic, neutral and alkaline conditions on product distribution and biocrude oil chemistry from hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae, Bioresource Technology, 2018, 270: 129-137
21.Changhao Ji, Zhixia He* , Qian Wang, Guisheng Xu, Shuang Wang, Zhixiang Xu, engsong Ji. Effect of operating conditions on direct liquefaction of low-lipidmicroalgae in ethanol-water co-solvent for bio-oil production, Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 141: 155-162
22.Zhixia He*, Liang Zhang, Kaushik Saha, Sibendu Som, Lian Duan, Qian Wang*. Investigations of effect of phase change mass transfer rate on cavitation process with homogeneous relaxation model, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer ,2017,89: 98–107
23.Zhou Chen, Zhixia He*, Weiwei Shang, Lian Duan, Han Zhou, Genmiao Guo, Wei Guan.Experimental study on the effect of nozzle geometry on string cavitation in real-size optical diesel nozzles and spray characteristics, Fuel , 2018,232: 562–571
24.Da Li, Zhixia He*, Tiemin Xuan, Wenjun Zhong, Jiawei Cao, Qian Wang, Ping Wang. Simultaneous capture of liquid length of spray and flame lift-off length for second-generation biodiesel/diesel blended fuel in a constant volume combustion chamber. Fuel, 2017,189: 260–269
25.Liang Zhang, Zhixia He*,Wei Guan, Qian Wang, Sibendu Som. Simulations on the cavitating flow and corresponding risk of erosion in diesel injector nozzles with double array holes, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018,113:118–127
1. Diesel fuel injector based on hollow spray structure induced by vortex cavitation in nozzle,US11614061B2 (国际PCT授权专利)
2.一种基于喷嘴内涡线空化诱导中空喷雾结构的柴油机喷油器 ZL202011056867.0
3.一种柴油机线空化促进方法及装置 ZL202210344910.6
4.一种实现液体气体双燃料喷射的装置和方法 ZL201310026576.0
5.一种实现天然气柴油双燃料喷射的装置和方法 ZL201310019736.9
6.一种透明喷嘴内部空穴流动可视化研究的自循环装置 ZL201320381822.X
7.一种喷油嘴内部空穴流动可视化试验装置 ZL201310308847.1
8.可实现多工况下喷嘴内部流动瞬态测量的试验装置及方法ZL 201310416904.8
9.一种用于车用柴油机SCR系统的导流装置及其导流方法 ZL201310041480.1
10.一种尿素溶液计量喷射装置及其控制方法 ZL201310066477.5
11.一种由改进凸轮轴驱动的活塞阀式双燃料喷射器 ZL20131019919.9
12.一种柴油机多孔喷嘴的快速空蚀试验装置及其试验方法 ZL201410100773.7
15.一种液态天然气加气精确计量装置 ZL201410529684.4
19.基于可视化方法测量柴油机喷油器针阀运动规律的方法和装置 ZL201610455578.5
20.多工况下喷嘴内部流动和空蚀关系测量的试验装置及方法ZL 201510953069.0
21.低粘度液体含气量可视化测量装置及测量方法ZL 201710064985.8
22.一种带压力稳定装置的高压油轨ZL 201610901568.X
• 2022年,重型柴油机高热效率关键技术研究,中国机械工业科学技术发明特等奖,6/30
• 2020年,高压燃油喷射空化喷雾理论与关键技术及应用,江苏省科学技术二等奖,2/9
• 2020年,高效低排放发动机高压燃油喷射与喷雾燃烧关键技术及工程应用,中国产学研合作创新成果优秀奖,1/11
• 2017年,二代生物柴油的制备及发动机适应性关键技术,江苏省科技进步二等奖,1/9
• 2012年,柴油机燃油喷射与燃烧系统关键技术研究及应用,江苏省科技进步二等奖,2/9
• 2011年,动力机械工作过程与关键技术的研究及推广应用,教育部高校科技进步二等奖,5/11
• 2022年,江苏省第五期“333工程”(第二层次)培育人选
• 2019年,江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人培养对象
• 2013年,江苏省六大人才高峰资助对象