
王 平 教授 博士生导师
地址:江苏大学 能源研究院
2016-2019,受限空间内湍流部分预混燃烧特性及模型研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,编号: 51576092,主持
燃烧学(本科生)、 湍流燃烧与工程应用(硕士生)、 气液燃烧理论与工程应用(博士生)
[55] Shaoyi Suo, Linsong Jiang*, P. Wang*, Maozhao Xie, Study of the porous media random structure model, Modern Physics Letters B. 34(10), 2020.
[54] P. Shrotriya, P. Wang*, M. Chen, L. Jiang, Assessment of multiple combustion modes present in turbulent partially-premixed flame by REDIM-PFDF Model, 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Fukuoka International Congress Center, Fukuoka, Japan 1st -5th July 2019, No. 1089.
[53] P. Shrotriya, P. Wang*, Computational Study of Turbulent Partially-Premixed Flame with Inhomogeneous Inlets, ICDERS, July 28th – August 2nd, 2019 Beijing, China.
[52] 曾海翔,王平*,P. Shrotriya, T. Zirwes,姜霖松, 基于动态增厚火焰模型的部分预混火焰大涡模拟研究, 2019年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会,编号:194332,天津,2019.10.24-27.
[51] 李伟超,王平*,侯天增,余倩,陈明敏,曾海翔, 非均匀入流部分预混射流火焰的大涡模拟, 燃烧科学与技术, 2019,25(1):066-072.
[50] Ping Wang*, Q. Yu, P. Shrotriya, M. Chen, Numerical analysis of equivalence ratio fluctuations ina partially premixed gas turbine combustor using LES, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2019, 141(4): 041010. (SCI)
[49] 徐亮,王平*,余倩,侯天增,王海连,陈明敏,何磊,基于DTF和REDIM技术构建的亚网格燃烧模型及其验证,推进技术,2019,40(2) 347-354.
[48] 余倩,王平*,P Shrotriya,张春,曾海翔,李伟超,三重火焰及分层火焰的直接数值模拟分析,2018年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会,编号:184001,哈尔滨,9.13-16.
[47] Prashant Shrotriya, Ping Wang*, Hou-tian Zeng, Qian Yu, Z.C.,Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Partially Premixed Flame with Inhomogeneous Inlets, 2018年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会,编号:184052,哈尔滨,9.13-16.
[46] Ping Wang*, Tian-zeng Hou, Cai-jun Wang, Gerd Steinhilber, Ulrich Maas, Large Eddy Simulations of the Darmstadt Turbulent Stratified Flames with REDIM Reduced Kinetics, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2018, 101(1), 219–245.
[45] 王平*,余倩,王宝同,徐亮, 燃气轮机旋流通道小孔射流问题的大涡模拟研究, 江苏大学学报, 2018, 39(4),377-384.
[44] 张春,王平*,侯天增,王蔡军,余倩,剪切层强度对湍流分层火焰传播特性的影响,燃烧科学与技术,2018,24(4) 376-382.
[43] 王平*,侯天增,余倩, 火焰增厚燃烧模型计算旋转预混火焰的参数敏感性分析, 推进技术, 2018, 39(2), 358-365.
[42] 王平*,张春,候天增,王蔡军,余倩,湍流分层火焰中分层剪切效应的大涡模拟研究,中国工程热物理学会燃烧学年会,南京,2017,编号:174038.
[41] 徐亮,王平*,余倩,侯天增,基于DTF和REDIM技术构建的亚网格燃烧模型,中国工程热物理学会燃烧学年会,南京,2017,编号:174045.
[40] 侯天增,王平*,余倩,王蔡军,非均匀射流部分预混火焰的大涡模拟研究,中国工程热物理学会燃烧学年会,南京,2017,编号:174303.
[39] Liang Xu, Ping Wang*, Qian Yu, Tian-zeng Hou, A sub-grid scale combustion model based on thickened-flame method and REDIM chemistry table, 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, The University of Sydney, Australia, 10th -14th December 2017, No. 133.
[38] Tian-zeng Hou, Ping Wang*, Qian Yu, Cai-jun Wang, Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flame with Inhomogeneous Inlets, 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, The University of Sydney, Australia, 10th -14th December 2017, No. 132.
[37] 王平*,王宝同,滤波PDF积分方法对湍流火焰计算的影响,江苏大学学报,2016,37(12):134-140.
[36] P. Wang*, J. Froehlich, U. Maas, Z.X. He, C.J. Wang,A detailed comparison of two sub-grid scale combustion models via large eddy simulation of the PRECCINSTA gas turbine model combustor, Combustion and Flame, 164:329–345,2016.
[35] 王蔡军,陆少杰,王平*,Darmstadt 大学湍流分层火焰的大涡模拟研究,2015年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学分会年会,北京,编号:154163.
[34] 王蔡军,陆少杰,王平*, 基于REDIM方法构建的亚网格燃烧模型及其应用,化工学报,2015,66(12): 4948-4959. (EI)
[33] Lu Shao-jie, Wang Cai-jun, Wang Ping*, Large Eddy Simulation of the Darmstadt Turbulent Stratified Flame with REDIM Chemistry Table, The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, paper no. 135, July 19-22, 2015, Beijing, China.
[32] 李宁宁,王平*,王蔡军,一种基于MMC和REDIM技术的燃烧模型,工程热物理学报,2015(4):912-916.
[31] 王平*,陆少杰,两种亚网格燃烧模型的对比研究,工程热物理学报,2014(12):2526-2530.
[30] 陆少杰,王平*,王宝同,李宁宁,贫燃预混湍流分层火焰的大涡模拟研究,2014年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学分会年会,西安,编号:144106.
[29] Wang Ping*, Platova N.A., Froehlich J., Maas U., Large Eddy Simulation of the PRECCINSTA burner, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 70: 486-495, 2014. (SCI)
[28] Wang Ping*, Zieker F., Schiessl R., Platova N.A., Froehlich J., Maas U., Large eddy simulations and experimental studies of turbulent premixed combustion near extinction, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34: 1269-1280, 2013. (SCI)
[27] Wang Ping*, Large eddy simulation of an industry gas-turbine model combustor using REDIM technique, Asian congress on gas turbines: tradition, challenge and future, ACGT2012-2077, Shanghai, 2012.08.20-22
[26] 王平,某工业燃气轮机模型燃烧室内贫油预混合旋转火焰的大涡模拟研究,高等学校工程热物理第十八届全国学术会议,编号C-120016,2012.05.17-20,广州
[25] Wang Ping*, Zieker F., Schiessl R., Platova N.A., Froehlich J., Maas U., Large eddy simulation and experimental studies of turbulent premixed combustion near extinction. Proceedings of the 5th European Combustion Meeting, 28 Jun. – 1 July, paper no. 355:1-6, Cardiff, UK, 2011.
[24] Wang Ping*, Froehlich J., Maas U., LES of turbulent premixed swirling flames in complex geometry using thickened-flame type of models. Proceedings of the 5th European Combustion Meeting, 28 Jun. – 1 July, paper no. 356:1-6, Cardiff, UK, 2011.
[23] Platova N.A., Wang Ping*, Froehlich Jochen, Maas Ulrich, REDIM with presumed FDF for LES of turbulent premixed flame. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, 28-31 July, Paper no. 3B1P:1-6, Ottawa, Canada, 2011.
[22] Wang P., Froehlich J., Maas U., Impact of location and flow rate oscillation of the pilot jet on the flow structures in swirling premixed flames. Journal of Turbulence, 11(11): 1-19, 2010. (SCI)
[21] Wang P., Froehlich J., Maas U., Large-eddy simulation of lean premixed flames in a model swirl burner. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering’2009, editors: W.E. Nagel, D.B. Kr?ner, M.M. Resch, pp. 209-223.
[20] Wang P., Froehlich J., Maas U., Large eddy simulation of a lean premixed swirl flame in complex geometry - comparison of two turbulent combustion models. The 12th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, Marburg, Germany, Sept. 2009, pp. 885-888.
[19] Wang P., Froehlich J., Impact of reaction and location of a pilot jet on the flow structures in a co-annular swirl burner. The 6th international symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-6), Seoul, Korea, June, 2009, pp. 327-332.
[18] Wang P., Froehlich J., Flame response to a pulsating pilot jet in an unconfined double-concentric swirl burner. European Combustion Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April, 2009, Paper-811389.
[17] Wang P., Froehlich J., Michelassi V., Rodi W., Impact of density difference on turbulent round jets. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’2008, editors: W.E. Nagel, D.B. Kr?ner, M.M. Resch. 2009, pp.285-299.
[16] Wang P., Froehlich J., Michelassi V., Rodi W., Large eddy simulation of variable density turbulent axisymmetric jets. Int. Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 29: 654-664, 2008. (SCI)
[15] Wang P., Froehlich J., Michelassi V., Rodi W., Large eddy simulation of variable density turbulent axisymmetric jets. The 5th international symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-5), Munich, Germany, August, 2007.
[14] Wang P., Bai X.S., Wessman M., Klingmann J., Large eddy simulation and experimental studies of a confined turbulent swirling flow. Physics of Fluids, Vol. 16(9), 3306-3324, 2004. (SCI)
[13] Wang P., Bai X.S., Large eddy simulation of turbulent swirling flows in a dump combustor: a sensitivity study. Int. Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, vol. 47: 99-120, 2004. (SCI)
[12] Wang P., Bai X.S., Large eddy simulation of turbulent premixed flames using level-set G equation. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 30: 583-591, 2005. (SCI)
[11] Wang P., Bai X.S., Large eddy simulation of premixed turbulent flames by G-equation, The 3rd Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Marrakech, Morocco. 8-13, June, 2003.
[10] Zhu Z.Q., Wang P., Tuo S.F., An adaptive solution of the 3-D Euler equations on an unstructured grid. ACTA Mechanics, No.155, 215-231, 2002. (SCI)
[9] 王平,朱自强,拓双芬。 多点择优推进阵面法生成曲面三角形网格。中国计算物理,19(3), 213-216,2002。
[8] 王平,朱自强,拓双芬,尹幸愉。二维结构/非结构混合网格的生成及其流场模拟。中国航空学报,22(6),536-538,2001。(EI)
[7] 王平,朱自强,拓双芬,尹幸愉。三维自适应非结构网格的Euler方程解。中国航空学报,22(6),495-499,2001。(EI)
[6] Zhu Z.Q., Wang P., Lv X.B., Adaptive multigrid solution of the 2D Euler equations on unstructured grid. ACTA Mechanics, No.144, 43-56, 2000. (SCI)
[5] 王平,朱自强,吕晓斌。 迎风格式在二维非结构网格中的应用。北京航空航天大学学报,26(5),588-591,2000。
[4] 王平,朱自强,吕晓斌。二维非结构自适应多重网格的Euler方程解。中国计算物理,17(5),497-503,2000。
[3] 王平,朱自强。二维非结构网格的生成及其Euler方程解。北京航空航天大学学报, 26(2),190-193,2000。
[2] 王平,王适存,郭才根。共轴式旋翼气动特性分析及实验研究。中国第十三届直升机年会,1997。
[1] 王平,王适存,郭才根。共轴式旋翼悬停状态气动特性的固定尾迹分析。南京航空航天大学学报,29,708–711,1997。
[4] WP-Foam湍流燃烧大涡模拟计算软件,软件著作权,登记号:2020SR0290663
[3] 一种带有双旋转入流通道可用于多燃料掺混燃烧现象研究的燃烧器, 专利授权号:ZL201610461453.3, 2018
[2] 一种可升降的光学仪器平台, 专利授权号:ZL201610582306.1, 2018
[1] 一种将微细固体颗粒撒播到气流中的粒子撒播器, 专利授权号:ZL201610188713.4, 2018